Do You Really Need Varicose Veins or Spider Veins Treatment?

Do you really need to get varicose veins or spider veins treatment? Can varicose veins go away naturally? The answer is complex, because everyone has unique venous pathways, varied causative issues, and individual vascular health. But most spider veins and varicose remain visible, and often problematic, unless they’re treated.

Since a disease called Chronic Venous Insufficiency is the frequent cause of such veins, many patients will not only retain their current vein damage, but also develop additional damaged blood vessels if they avoid treatment. Book a consultation with Harvard-trained vein doctors in New Jersey to learn whether you need treatment for varicose veins.

The internet lists many natural treatments for varicose veins. Can varicose veins go away naturally, or do you need treatment for varicose veins? Here’s the truth.

Will Veins Popping out on Legs Disappear on Their Own?

If you see veins popping out on your legs, they’re probably varicose veins. Bulging veins in areas with thinner skin, like the hands and forehead, might not be varicose. But leg veins that bulge above the skin’s surface level, particularly when they’re more twisted than other veins, are often varicose veins.

When varicosities develop in the legs, it’s often because broken valves in your veins allowed blood to flow in reverse and build blood pressure in the vein. This starts in deeper veins that you can’t see from the surface. So, will these varicose veins suddenly stop popping out? It’s highly unlikely since there’s an underlying malfunction that can’t correct itself.

One exception is during pregnancy, when blood volume is doubled to supply the fetus. In some cases, when blood pressure reduces after delivery, the varicose vein will shrink back to a normal size. However, it’s important to still check for broken valves in your veins and Chronic Venous Insufficiency to prevent a recurrence of varicose veins.

Do Varicose or Spider Veins from Pregnancy Fade Naturally?

As mentioned, pregnancy increases blood volume in the veins, so it’s common to develop spider veins and varicose veins while pregnant. If there is no underlying valve failure or vein disease, some spider veins and varicose veins will shrink or improve after delivery. It’s unadvised to treat spider veins or varicose veins while pregnant, but see a vein doctor to make sure there are no blood clots or life threatening issues behind your damaged veins. Then, it’s safe to wait and see if they improve post pregnancy, or if treatment is necessary.

Will Broken Capillaries on Legs Go Away Naturally?

Capillaries are smaller than veins, and while they might result from broken valves in your veins, they have additional causes. Some broken capillaries develop from sun damage, skin injury, or exertion. This is particularly true in areas like the face. Broken capillaries on the face might fade over time, but it is unlikely. It’s more likely that you will develop additional broken capillaries without treatment since these issues run in families. When you have broken capillaries on the legs, they are typically the result of vein disease or valve failure, not surface damage, and therefore even less likely to disappear naturally.

How Long Can You Wait to Visit a Vein Treatment Clinic?

While some patients’ veins remain asymptomatic and unproblematic, other patients develop troubling or even disabling symptoms. The damage you see at the surface doesn’t provide the full picture of your vascular health; it’s simply a clue that something is wrong. Patients can’t assess the severity of their vein issues, and the severity of symptoms doesn’t always correlate to the breadth of damage.

Visit a vein treatment clinic in New Jersey at the first sign of vein damage to protect your vascular health and prevent unnecessary complications. Be sure to choose minimally invasive, board certified vein doctors, since they won’t recommend surgery or cosmetic treatments you don’t need. Our award-winning NJ vein doctors will explain each of your options and why we recommend them, and you can choose what appeals to you.

Which NJ Leg Vein Clinic Treats Thick Veins Naturally?

If you want to keep treatment as natural as possible, don’t choose a vein center that’s purely surgical. Vascular surgeons are sometimes needed for varicose veins, but it’s increasingly rare. The best vascular surgeons now recommend, and are trained in, less invasive procedures for veins. They reserve surgery for arteries and highly complicated veins. At our state-of-the-art vein centers in New Jersey, we use the least invasive methods possible.

If your veins will improve if you lose weight, or by wearing compression stockings, we’ll tell you so. Wearing compression stockings improves circulation, so it can reduce symptoms like swelling in the legs. But for many patients, it’s insufficient. If treatment is needed, we’ll determine the best non-surgical varicose veins treatment for you.

Will You Need Vascular Surgery for Varicose Veins Treatment?

Most patients do not need vascular surgery for varicose veins treatment at our cutting-edge vein centers. Exceptions include patients with blood clots or highly tortuous veins that have been treated incorrectly elsewhere. Don’t delay a consultation because you’re concerned about surgery. It’s much more likely that a non-surgical procedure is best for you. And many patients who need surgery can choose from new options like ambulatory phlebectomy, which doesn’t require large incisions or general anesthesia.

What Can Get Rid of Varicose Veins That Persist?

There are several minimally invasive treatments for varicose veins, so the right method for you is determined after your examination. Minimally invasive procedures are typically done in under 30 minutes and don’t require anesthesia or hospitalization. They’re performed in-office, and are so gentle that you can remain awake and drive yourself to and from the appointment. Most of our patients even go right back to work. Here are a few of our preferred varicose veins treatments.

  • Sclerotherapy
  • Radiofrequency Ablation
  • Endovenous Laser Treatment
  • Vein Adhesives
  • Mechanochemical Ablation

Is Spider Vein Removal by Sclerotherapy Natural?

Sclerotherapy is not completely natural since it injects a medication into the vein. However, it’s one of the more natural procedures for veins since the medicine is similar to soap or detergent. In addition, sclerotherapy does not require any local or general anesthesia, stitches, or pain medication after the procedure. Patients remain awake and can walk around immediately. There are no substances left behind in the body, and the vein is not surgically extracted. Instead, it’s treated inside the body. Sclerotherapy is among the least invasive and more natural ways to treat spider veins and varicose veins.

What’s the Best Clinic for Varicose Veins in New Jersey?

Can varicose veins go away naturally if you leave them alone? The answer is, not usually. In some instances, bulging veins from pregnancy will shrink after delivery. But most varicose veins will not only persist, they’ll also multiply if you don’t address the cause. Visit the best clinic for varicose veins in New Jersey to treat your spider veins and varicose veins, as well as the underlying cause. Our vein doctors are Ivy League trained to perform the latest, minimally invasive procedures for veins. Book your consultation in Clifton, Paramus, Woodbridge, or Woodland Park today!

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