Can You Eliminate a Varicose Vein and Pain Caused by It? 

Can you get rid of varicose veins? Can you prevent them from returning? Can you eliminate painful symptoms of varicose veins, including cramping, heaviness, and swelling? The answer to these questions is “yes” with a qualified vein doctor. Book an appointment with Harvard-trained vein specialists in New Jersey for complete relief. Our vein experts treat the cause, the visible damage, and the symptoms, for lasting results. Cosmetic centers don’t treat underlying issues, large varicose veins, or symptoms. Choose a board certified vein doctor to eliminate varicose veins and their complications completely.

Can you get rid of varicose veins? What about symptoms like swelling and pain? Qualified vein doctors offer quick vein removal and symptom relief without surgery.

Why Do You Need a Vein Doctor for the Veins to Vanish?

Some patients try to avoid long periods of standing or wear compression stockings for varicose veins but aren’t satisfied with the results. That’s because most varicose veins result from valve failure in a deeper vein and a condition called Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI). This disease can cause a proliferation of varicose veins and spider veins until the malfunctioning valves are treated. Tactics like compression stockings can’t remove varicose veins.

Most patients need a vein doctor for the veins to vanish. A vein specialist can employ a minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins using endovenous methods. They insert a tiny needle through the skin to treat the vein directly with techniques like sclerotherapy, vein adhesives, or radiofrequency ablation. They can eliminate both CVI and the visible vein with these devices. A properly treated vein won’t return. Sealing vein walls improves circulation because blood flows into adjacent veins that can pump it efficiently.

What’s the Definition of Sclerotherapy and Other Treatments?

If you’re wondering, “How quickly can you get rid of varicose veins without surgery,” here are the best options, which typically take 15 to 30 minutes. There is no recovery period and no general anesthesia, so you can resume your routine immediately.

  • Sclerotherapy (Varithena): Vein doctors inject a sclerosing solution into the vein that irritates it, prompting it to close.
  • Radiofrequency Ablation (ClosureFast): Vein specialists inject a numbing agent around the vein and then send soundwaves to the vein to heat it and seal it shut.
  • Mechanochemical Ablation (ClariVein): Vein experts inject a sclerosant and also rotate the device inside the vein walls to weaken them and invoke closure.
  • Vein Adhesives (VenaSeal): Vein doctors inject cyanoacrylate glue into the vein to occlude it.

Does Superficial Vein Removal Provide Permanent Results?

Treatments applied to the surface of the skin, like Intense Pulsed Light therapy are not advised for varicose veins in the legs. Varicose veins are larger than facial spider veins. The amount of heat it would require to treat a varicose vein would harm the skin. It’s safer and more effective to position thermal energy directly on the vein. Our doctors often use radiofrequency instead of lasers for endovenous treatments because it uses less heat, so it’s more comfortable for patients.

Can You Use Laser Hair Removal for Varicose Veins?

Laser hair removal won’t treat varicose veins for the reasons mentioned above (it would require a damaging amount of heat). Laser hair removal uses a 500 to 1200 nm wavelength, depending on the type and location of hair. Laser varicose vein treatments often require a wavelength greater than 1900 nm. If you want to treat varicose veins with lasers, visit our New Jersey vein center to discuss endovenous laser ablation and radiofrequency ablation methods.

Does Every Varicose Vein Consultation Result in Treatment?

Some varicose veins don’t require immediate treatment. For instance, varicose veins developed during pregnancy may shrink after delivery, once blood volume decreases and the pressure on veins from the expanding uterus relents. But there’s no way to know whether your varicose veins will present complications. Asymptomatic varicosities can begin to produce painful symptoms, as well as venous ulcerations, venous stasis dermatitis, hyperpigmentation, and profuse bleeding if left untreated.

In addition, blood clots and deep vein thrombosis need to be ruled out when you have varicose veins. If you don’t want to receive unnecessary treatment, visit our board certified, New Jersey vein doctors who have ultrasound training. Our specialists look at deeper veins to see if you have blood clots, valve failure, or CVI. If so, we’ll address it with a minimally invasive treatment. If not, and it’s safe to wait, we’ll observe your vein until you want to treat it.

If You Get Varicose Veins at 30, Can You Treat Them Later?

Varicose veins are common, especially in women as they age. But, you can develop them anytime. Some patients plan to treat varicose veins eventually. However, if your varicose vein stems from CVI, delaying treatment means you’ll probably develop more, and spider veins too. It’s better to treat varicose veins early, so your doctor can check for CVI. Treating that will help prevent additional damage. The smaller and less complicated the vein is, the easier it is to treat. If you hope to avoid invasive procedures, see a vein doctor soon.

Do Veins in the Left Leg Mean You’ll Get Them in the Right?

If you have varicose veins in the left leg or right leg, you might develop them in the other leg too. While each vein has individual valves, leg veins are more prone to valve failure because of the force of gravity. Patients who have CVI and varicose veins in their family have a higher likelihood of developing these issues in both legs. Vein walls weaken over time, and factors like aging, inactivity, obesity, and hormone shifts all affect venous walls and valves. If you have a varicose vein in the left leg, our vein doctors can conduct a vein mapping test on your right leg too, to spot valve failure and vein disease before varicose veins and spider veins appear.

Can Spider Veins Cause Leg Pain or Painful Veins in Shins?

If you have varicose veins, you might develop spider veins too. These two types of blood vessels look different, but they’re both caused by CVI. Spider veins are smaller and less protrusive than varicose veins, but they can still cause pain, cramping, itching, and burning sensations in the legs. Visit our caring vein doctors to learn how we can help.

Which New Jersey Center Is the Clear Vein Center Choice?

If you have spider veins, varicose veins, or painful symptoms, you deserve a doctor who can treat all of those quickly and gently. The clear choice for vein treatment is an accredited facility with ultrasound technology and board certified vein doctors. Dr. Todd Kobrinski, Dr. Mitchell Karmel, and Dr. Andrew Cortes offer award-winning care in several state-of-the-art locations. Visit us in Scotch Plains, Clifton, Woodland Park, Woodbridge, Paramus, or West Orange to get rid of varicose veins and subsequent symptoms in under 30 minutes.

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