What Causes Green Veins to Appear on the Skin?
Why do varicose veins appear? These bulging blue, purple, or green blood vessels signify increased pressure in the veins. Various things elevate the pressure in a vein. The primary malfunction is weakened valves or walls of the veins. Blood is meant to flow through veins in a singular direction. Valves close once blood flows through, to keep blood moving the right way. If a vein wall weakens or stretches, a valve can’t create a tight seal. The valves themselves can also weaken or fail. In either case, blood begins leaking backward through the vein.
This venous reflux causes excess pressure, which generates twisted, bulging varicosities. There are many ways to treat these unsightly, uncomfortable veins. Book an appointment at our award-winning vein centers in New Jersey to learn about varicose veins treatments. Read on for answers to more questions.
Do Blood Thinners Help Varicose Veins or “Hurt Lines?”
Blood thinners aren’t advised for most varicose veins (or as some patients, call them, “hurt lines,” since they often hurt). Varicosities already have an issue with blood trickling in reverse and accumulating. Thinning the blood could exacerbate that problem. In addition, varicose veins protrude at the surface of the skin, which makes them susceptible to bleeding when scraped. Blood thinners could cause profuse bleeding from a varicose vein abrasion.
Some varicose veins are caused by a clot in a deeper vein, called a deep vein thrombosis. In certain cases, doctors use blood thinners for these. But depending on the clot’s location, a blood thinner could loosen the clot and send it to the lungs. This could cause a life-threatening pulmonary embolism. Consult a vein doctor before taking blood thinners if you have varicose veins.
Can I Wear Compression Stockings Instead of Vein Treatment?
Compression stockings help some patients with varicose vein symptoms, like swelling and cramping. But other patients get no relief, and for certain patients, it’s unsafe to wear compression stockings. Support hose can help facilitate circulation after a vein treatment. But compression therapy can’t remove varicose veins or treat the underlying malfunction.
Ask a vein doctor before trying compression stockings, and get fitted at a vein center. Insufficient compression won’t help. Excessive compression could be dangerous for your veins and skin, especially if you have venous ulcers or venous stasis dermatitis. Instead, your doctor may suggest elevating your legs while resting and trying not to sit or stand for long periods.
When Is a Varicose Vein Consultation with Doctors Advised?
It’s never too late for a varicose vein consultation, but doctors recommend that you book an appointment promptly. Varicose veins often stem from invisible problems like valve failure and venous reflux (also called Chronic Venous Insufficiency). Some patients have undiscovered blood clots that produce varicose veins. Most patients develop some degree of symptoms with varicosities too. Some will have mild pain, swelling, cramping, heaviness, itching, or restlessness in their legs. Others will develop venous stasis dermatitis, slow-healing venous ulcerations, hyperpigmentation, and bleeding that’s difficult to control.
The sooner you see a vein doctor, the less likely you are to develop these complications. If you have Chronic Venous Insufficiency, you can expect more varicose veins and spider veins to develop until your vein doctor treats that. So, come see us at the first sign of vein damage, to minimize your risks and discomfort.
Does a Varicose Specialist for Veins in Legs Use Surgery?
Surgery is not the preferred treatment for varicose veins in 2023. Most patients are better suited to newer, less invasive techniques that use tools like sclerosants, adhesives, or radiofrequency energy. Minimally invasive vein treatments are faster, gentler, safer, and more affordable than vein stripping surgery. Choose a minimally invasive vein specialist over a vascular surgeon unless the surgeon is also trained in non-surgical techniques.
What’s the Best Spider Vein, Varicose Treatment Near Me?
There are many new ways to treat varicose veins and spider veins. How do you find those treatments near you? Here are great options to look for when selecting a vein center. Our award-winning vein centers offer these and more.
- Sclerotherapy (Brand name: Asclera or Varithena)
- Radiofrequency Ablation (Brand name: ClosureFast)
- Endovenous Laser Treatment (Brand name: VenaCure EVLT)
- Mechanochemical Ablation (Brand name: ClariVein)
- Vein Adhesives (Brand name: VenaSeal)
How Long Does Sclerotherapy Last Compared to Surgery?
Do minimally invasive procedures like sclerotherapy last as long as surgery? For most patients, they last longer. Doctors administer these treatments to the vein, rather than cutting the vein out of the body. Studies show that veins that are cut out often grow back. Neovascularized veins don’t have valves. So, they’re prone to venous reflux and increased pressure, which is what caused the varicose vein to begin with. For permanent treatment, it’s best to close the vein inside the body, rather than extracting it surgically. Some patients need surgery if they have blood clots or complications. But for most patients, a non-surgical method works better.
Do Varicose Veins on Black Skin Require Different Treatment?
If you’ve heard of patients with Black skin experiencing hypopigmentation, or fading, after treatment, we can ease your concerns. This complication is possible with surface laser treatment when it isn’t administered by a qualified vein doctor who knows how much heat to use. But surface lasers are designed for smaller blood vessels like facial spider veins, not large varicose veins in the legs.
Treatment for varicose leg veins is typically done with endovenous procedures. Doctors insert a tiny needle or catheter through the skin and position it on the vein. They do not place these devices on the surface of the skin, so there’s no risk of fading. Our vein experts prefer radiofrequency energy over laser energy because it’s not as hot. Choose our experts to repair your veins without damaging your skin.
What Doctor Does Varicose Veins Treatments in New Jersey?
If you want exceptional treatment for varicose veins in New Jersey, visit our Harvard-trained vein doctors. Dr. Mitchell Karmel, Dr. Todd Kobrinski, and Dr. Andrew Cortes lead the field in cutting-edge vein treatments. They hold multiple board certifications, and they use FDA-approved, minimally invasive procedures for gentle vein relief. Our vein specialists are trained in ultrasound imaging, so they can locate and treat the source of the varicosity, as well as the vein.
How Do I Book an Appointment at a Leg Vein Clinic Near Me?
To visit one of our caring vein specialists, call our office at (973) 447-8397, or book an appointment online. We have vein centers in Paramus, Clifton, Woodbridge, Woodland Park, and Scotch Plains, so relief is nearby! We look forward to discussing our innovative varicose veins treatments with you and restoring your vascular health.