Are Varicose Veins a Cosmetic Issue or Medical Issue?

Varicose veins aren’t anyone’s favorite physical feature. The large, twisted, bulging veins often protrude at the skin’s surface and bear a bold purple, blue, or green hue. It’s common for people to seek varicose vein treatment for this cosmetic reason. But are varicose veins a medical issue, or just a cosmetic one? When should you worry about varicose veins and see a vein doctor?

The answer is, there is often a medical necessity to treat varicose veins, so click HERE to visit our Harvard-trained vein doctors in New Jersey. Varicosities can be harmless, but they can also signify vein disease and pose life-threatening complications, along with debilitating symptoms. Only a vein doctor can determine the severity of your varicose veins, so book your appointment today!

Are varicose veins simply a visual nuisance? Do they require a vein doctor’s care? When should you worry about varicose veins and seek vein treatment?

When Is Varicose Vein Treatment Required?

Varicose vein treatment is required when the vein’s structure or symptoms create risks and complications for the patient. For instance, some patients will develop blood clots, deep vein thrombosis, or venous ulcerations, which are slow-healing wounds that are hard to treat. Others will have such protuberant veins that even a slight bump can cause bleeding that’s hard to control.

Some patients with varicosities have frustrating symptoms like muscle cramps, heaviness, swelling, cramping, hyperpigmentation, restlessness, fatigue, and leg pain. These issues can compromise their quality of life and impact their ability to complete essential tasks. But even patients with mild vein damage can experience unpleasant symptoms, along with lower self-esteem because of the blood vessel’s appearance. Treatment is always recommended when any of these factors are involved.

If you have any red-flag symptoms, like fever, shortness of breath, chest pain, new redness or swelling near the vein, profuse bleeding, or fainting, seek immediate care. For less urgent symptoms, book an appointment at our award-winning New Jersey vein center for prompt relief through minimally-invasive techniques.

Are Muscle Cramps or Leg Pain a Sign to See a Vein Doctor?

Some patients with varicose veins have no symptoms, while others contend with chronic leg pain, muscle cramps, and restless sensations that prevent a good night of sleep. Varicose veins are frequently caused by a vein disease called Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) that produces several frustrating symptoms, many of which patients don’t realize are connected to their veins. If you have muscle cramps, you might assume it’s from exercise or injury, when it can actually be linked to poor circulation from varicose veins.

When a valve fails inside a vein, blood accumulates or flows backward through the vein, which causes the excess pressure that creates varicose veins, and also causes uncomfortable symptoms for many patients. Sensations like leg pain are common with varicose veins, but they can also indicate a new development like a blood clot. So, head to the emergency room if leg pain is accompanied by any of the red-flag symptoms listed above. Call our office if you have muscle cramps or leg pain without those warning signs. Our gentle treatments close faulty veins, prompting blood to flow into healthier veins and back to the heart.

Do Varicose Veins Cause Blood Clots or Deep Vein Thrombosis?

Varicose veins are very common, while deep vein thrombosis is not. However, DVT is important to watch for, since studies indicate that deep vein thrombosis is more common in patients with varicose veins. A varicose blood vessel is a vein with weakened walls and faulty valves that allow blood to pool, rather than traveling efficiently to the heart.

A blood clot is a mass of blood that coagulates when blood isn’t flowing properly, so it’s easy to see how they are linked to varicose veins. When a blood clot forms in a superficial vein, it’s not as life-threatening. But a blood clot in a deeper vein, called a deep vein thrombosis, can break loose and travel to the lungs and cause a pulmonary embolism.

Blood clots sometimes clear out on their own, but other times they require medical care, particularly DVTs. Some clots have no symptoms, but others produce leg pain and swelling. If the deep vein thrombosis travels to your lungs, pulmonary embolisms produce symptoms like shortness of breath, chest pain, lightheadedness, coughing up blood, and palpitations. Call our New Jersey vein specialists if you suspect a blood clot. We use innovative technology to view your venous anatomy and identify any problematic areas, including blood clots.

Should You Worry About Skin Ulcers with Varicose Veins?

Some patients aren’t aware that the slow-healing wounds on their legs, known as venous ulcerations, are caused by Chronic Venous Insufficiency and varicose veins. The increase in endovenous pressure and the buildup of fluids caused by CVI prevents oxygen and nutrients from reaching necessary tissues, causing cell death and damaged tissues that result in ulcerations.

Venous ulcerations require medical attention. The sores are not only difficult to treat on your own, but they can also become infected. A vein doctor must also treat the underlying CVI in order to prevent additional ulcers. Choose a board certified vein doctor in New Jersey who can treat both venous ulcers and vein disease. Our quick procedures enable blood to flow efficiently through your veins, eliminating excess pressure and fluid.

What Are the Risk Factors for Untreated Varicose Veins?

Left untreated, varicose veins have several risk factors, including blood clots, deep vein thrombosis, venous ulcerations, venous stasis dermatitis, permanent skin discoloration, and debilitating symptoms. In addition, many patients feel better mentally and physically once they’re gone. Not all varicose veins become symptomatic or problematic, but early treatment helps prevent unnecessary complications.

When Should Your Worry About Varicose Veins Prompt Care?

If you have any concerns about your varicose veins, including how they look, contact our New Jersey vein specialists. No patient can tell from the surface whether there are vein diseases or blood clots lurking in deeper veins. So, visit a vein doctor for a thorough analysis and determination of whether your veins require treatment. We never recommend treatment you don’t need, and we offer several minimally invasive options so you can choose what appeals to you. We look forward to easing your concerns and restoring your circulation!

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